Page name: Avril Haters United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-09-25 14:10:10
Last author: ~username~
Owner: Forget to forget me.
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Avril Haters United




[A.D.D] I can beat that. I'm the one who shat on it.
[EARTHWORM MOTHERFUCKIN' JOE.] My mate shat on an Avril CD the other day. Beat that, guys.
[Forget to forget me.] Now.. how am I going to kill this poser bitch without anyone knowing...?
[Make Damn Sure] Avirl should die
[If I was a gummi bear] All i can say is HATE!
[lil funky squirrel] ya!I love hating ppl!
[Zacks Pixie Bitch] ...Didnt she die..?
[Creaming Jesus] We should go to one of her concerts and shoot her down then sell her body parts on ebay
[ToxicBlackMess] Avril is a poser with unusually large sholders :/
[dendrite.] she called pink a poser *throws knives at avril* pink is no poser XD so avril must die!
[burntashes] i really dont mind her right...stabs avril in back yess!!!!8)
[pierced up princess]she is the dombest person EVER!
[angelique_demise] avril needs to be blown up or something...i hate her with every fiber of my being...every piece of my soul...her and brittni spears...
[h.i.m.gurl] i hate avril her songs r so annoyin she needs to die!
[†bLaCkRiBBoN†] avril sucks, SO THERE
[i need to improvise] i cant stand her...*sudders*
[Char.]Why'd you have to go and make things so... *stops and looks around* hahha =|
[me matas] averil must die at my hands
[Graffiti Hearts] i hate her with a vengence. pitch fork at the ready..WHOS WITH ME!?
[Nee'lahn] hell im with you..she is fake and her music is fake..she's just uuggghhhh...
[laughingCity] Just looking at her makes me feel gross!
[Fushigi Rockna] God i hate her! stupid racoon! ><
[stink 18poo] Why'd you have to go make things so constipated??? BECAUSE AVRIL LOOKS LIKE SHE IS
[dimmu_borgir3212] she is a dumb bitch and her music sucks dick!
[*KillJoy*] She is such a poser!
[werso anxious 2b 2gether,2gether indeath] damn! she pisses me off. and her music sucks, just like her!
[Crying Crimson Tears]die bitch die. she is so fake it makes me sick. im tired of people saying i look like her.
[goneawaynow] God damn it I hate that fucking poser and how she thinks she invented the tie look, my mom wore a tie before this fucking bitch I swear I am going to kill her some fucking day
[Teufelsweib] stupid pandabear look-a-like with those eyes.... DIE FUCKING BITCH!!
[Lost_soul_of BrandonLee2]
[pretty in blood] Advil Losange!!
[a faerie tale] is she dead yet?
[stoopid] she should burn!
[Smile Addiction] DIE!!! *grabs a kitchen knife*
[C-vicious] kill her now!
[0 0 0 0] >:( Kill her for me... please!! 
[Fat Chubby Penguin]haha what a poser....she can't sing or play guitar..that's so sad!
[SILLY..(BETH)] shes CRAP 
[Pyro_Angel] she is ok......NOT she is a frickin poser who cant sing wirth shit!!!! 
[Account No Longer Active] I don't think she should die, I just think she needs to....yeah...she does need to drop dead sometime SOON.
[SBRLexa]OMG! I can't stand to see her face! And the fact that she's dating Dereck Whibley from Sum 41?!? Biotch.
[SUD] U tell 'em! Ya,know it is kinda a shocker,about the Dereck Whibley thing.And I have seen Sum 41 once or twice and I have a question is he the lead singer???
[more meredith please!] dear g-d shes rich, white, and FAMOUS! why is she always so "pissed off"?! shes not anything but a poser.
[Crow T. Robot] she's a retard and a poser
[clownsies] its amazing how stupid posers can be......talke avril for example...........
[Following my brother.] Yay I hate Avril!
[.12.] I hate her
[*~*Honey*~*] o my i hate her
[IX.Dollface] Saddest fucking thing to EVER give Canada a bad name >__< I hate her with every inch of body, BLEH RACCOONY POSER BITCH!!!
[Je Vous Aime] ugh... she's so... just... ugh.
[Qqqqqqjdidbfjd] ive hated her forver V_v
[Tolmeni] According to the insane vampiress countess Erszebet Bathory, bathing in woman's blood will make you beautiful. If you bathe in Avril blood, you will probably die of spontaneous skin cancer. DIE AVRIL.
[Anthrax] i hate her!! and her music she sucks ASS!!!!!!! grrr
[Broken Alive] she should curl up in a corner and die
[~Nameless Dream~] mwahahha,anger!
[* Pink Cherry *] oooh many avril haters cool me hates her big time !
[earthkynd] yea, she's as punk as blink 182 or simple plan  fake fake fake!   delete her!
[Metalelf] this what passes for music nowadays? *shakes head in dismay*
[~username~] Usually I'm open-mended when it comes to music, but I just don't like her songs. she sings about things she doesn't even know.

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2004-05-14 [Make Damn Sure]: Hey avirl is a f***king poser

2004-05-14 [Hank!]: DIE AVRIL DIE! ><!

2004-05-14 [Forget to forget me.]: I hate Avril...i wish she would crawl in a hole and die!>.<

2004-05-14 [Hank!]: pfft. im gonna force her in the hole and kill her! mwhahahaha *blink* 0_0

2004-05-15 [Forget to forget me.]: Hurry and force her into that hole!!*blank stare*

2004-05-15 [Hank!]: hehe

2004-05-15 [Forget to forget me.]: ya...she is SOO punk...*smirks* yea right...maybe in hell

2004-05-15 [connor's left elftown]: WTF everyone says shes a poser but she never said she is a punk plus even if sum fucking magazine says she said that doesnt mean she really did THEY ALWAYS LIE ABOUT EVERYTHING heck its the press

2004-05-15 [Forget to forget me.]: so...we all HATE her...if u don't like her...continue to post messeges...but if not...fuck off!

2004-05-16 [If I was a gummi bear]: Avrils just dumb

2004-05-16 [Forget to forget me.]: She said " I'll pick my nose, i'll pick my ass.I don't care...whatever" she said that on Teen People's 25 Hottest under 25...pretty dumb...huh?

2004-05-16 [Sweet Edith.]: i just have to ask y do you ppl hate Avril?

2004-05-19 [Forget to forget me.]: no...the question is....why DONT WE HATE AVRIL

2004-05-20 [fernanda]: I think people need to get thier head out of thier asses and see that they may claim to be open minded, but thier persecution and looking down on others becasue they don't fit thier breed of perfect, is not only wrong, it's hypocritical. GO Konnoru! It IS a bunch of crap the press puts together. I should know, I'm a journalist. The press makes everyone read from thier point of view, and that can twist an entire thing completely out of context. Don't believe everything you read.

2004-05-21 [If I was a gummi bear]: I just simply hate her since what she did to her fans, it's disgusting, so i have my reasons, and you cant change them, good day

2004-05-24 [Forget to forget me.]: AVRIL SUX!!

2004-05-25 [lil funky squirrel]: I luv hateing ppl!!and burning them to!

2004-05-25 [Forget to forget me.]: good for u funky squirrel!

2004-05-28 [sing my sorrows]: yea I agree she sucks donkey booties!

2004-05-28 [Forget to forget me.]: she is a POP princess... LMAO

2004-05-28 [lil funky squirrel]: let's burn her!!hehehe I like burning stuff

2004-05-28 [Forget to forget me.]: u lil pyro!LMAO

2004-05-30 [lil funky squirrel]: lol

2004-05-30 [Forget to forget me.]: hey toxicdeath... even if we did put the body parts on e-bay... no one would buy them!!

2004-06-12 [lil funky squirrel]: so who likes my badge I made?

2004-06-12 [Im trapped inside my own mind]: i like the badge its cool

2004-06-13 [Forget to forget me.]: the badge is very...interesting...I like it!?

2004-06-13 [lil funky squirrel]: YUPI!go me!

2004-06-13 [Forget to forget me.]: tehee^-^

2004-06-30 [dendrite.]: blink blink *joins*

2004-07-09 [scary_mary_]: Hey check out Avril Haters@Wiki, its really good, my friend courtney owns it.

2004-07-09 [Im trapped inside my own mind]: ppl at camp were tryin to kill me i swear cuz all they listened to was avril...i wanted to kill em all

2004-07-09 [Forget to forget me.]: URG! I would have died...I would have killed them ALL!! Mwahaha!!

2004-07-09 [Im trapped inside my own mind]: it was for a week straight

2004-07-09 [Forget to forget me.]: AHH!!!

2004-07-09 [Im trapped inside my own mind]: i spent alot of time outside...even though it was almost 90 degrees

2004-07-09 [Forget to forget me.]: ahh...

2004-07-09 [Im trapped inside my own mind]: it pi**ed me off big time

2004-07-09 [Forget to forget me.]: Why?

2004-07-09 [Im trapped inside my own mind]: cuz they told me if they got on my nerves theyd stop but i told them that they didnt stop

2004-08-06 [~Cherry~]: stupid poser wannabe s*ut......(mumbles words under her breath

2004-08-09 [Countess Overkill]: why the heck does she even TRY to sing? ::covers ears cuz friend likes avril::

2004-08-17 [TimDice]: i think you guys are all very ugly, because you all *hate* someone beautiful... losers! i think you have to kill youself social and do it next to a garbage belt...

2004-08-17 [Forget to forget me.]: Thank you! I like being called ugly... dipshit.

2004-08-17 [TimDice]: so you´re about to face real life? you most have hear that lots of time.. bless..

2004-08-17 [Forget to forget me.]: Ahaha...get the fuck out of my wiki...have a fucking horrible day =)

2004-08-18 [TimDice]: o yeah, i already have one because now i´m facing the truth.. world is full of lozers... hope you haven´t got many friends like you..

2004-08-25 [TimDice]: lll ooooo sss eeee rrrr ssss

2004-08-28 [fjdka]: moron......

2004-08-28 [BrokenPromise7x]: Avirl needs to die!!! urg!!!

2004-08-28 [lil funky squirrel]: YA!so much hate I luv hate!

2004-08-29 [TimDice]: haha poor you

2004-09-04 [lil funky squirrel]: hey llok antoher Avril hate wiki!! Avril Haters

2004-09-24 [D_n_y]: ............but she is hot tho

2004-10-03 [All Gone.]: Avril is a stupid jew (no offense to any other jews here lol) and she should be burned alive then her ashes should be dumped in a big pile of bull shit!!!!

2004-10-03 [D_n_y]: how racist r u!!

2004-10-03 [Char.]: Hiiiiiiiii

2004-10-03 [Forget to forget me.]: Hey Char!

2004-10-03 [Char.]: Hi, ooo im new XD

2004-10-14 [exodus_origin (eep I messed up big time)]: im new and i hate avril... and many other people but thats not important AVRIL SUCKS HER MUSIC SHOULD BE BANNED

2004-10-15 [Forget to forget me.]: You should join...

2004-10-30 [punk_cheerleader]: blub!  big meanie heads... yall are all hoes...                              probably not but hey!

2004-10-31 [Whiskers]: Hate her! Her songs suck, and GAWD, why is she so famous, anyways?

2004-11-01 [Char.]: I donno, cos the stupid music industry probably thought "hey shes something different we can make a ton of money cos shes different."

2004-11-17 [Elanor Diethel]: that women is a bitch she is the queen of all posers in the earth , i think we should make her pay for let the good name of rock in the mud, she is such a prep

2004-12-14 [a box full of sharp objects]: i want to join. she's a freakin' poser! i cant stand her!

2004-12-18 [rebel girl]: ALL U GUYS SAY THAT SHE IS A POSER! WHAT IS SHE POSING AS??? AND THAT SHE IS FAKE! AND HOW IS SHE FAKE?? ALL U GUYS ARE STUPID LABELERS!!! and im not saying i like avril.. but u guys hate her for no reason.. ur reasons are that she is fake.. HOW?? and that she is a poser?? again..HOW? and how is her music fake???

2004-12-24 [Char.]: fuck off

2004-12-24 [If I was a gummi bear]: Shes dumb...Like you.


2004-12-30 [Teufelsweib]: Britney is good in being a fake bitch, Avril is even in THAT a loser

2004-12-31 [The Messiah]: Both are fake bitches

2004-12-31 [The Messiah]: The only thing is... that britney came up first

2004-12-31 [The Messiah]: therefore avril loses another point by being a britney spears wannabe who says shes a xkater

2004-12-31 [The Messiah]: Conclusion both the two of them should be killed and left with her blood among the soil and their bodys fed to wolves (poor wolvies;_;)

2004-12-31 [Teufelsweib]: aah no, not the wolves! what about the beavers, or those stupid chihuahua's?

2005-01-02 [The Messiah]: Sure theyre both so stoopid they would also die with stomach ache :P (maybe not the beavers, koalas :))

2005-01-02 [x-xVanityx-x]: btw: Avril dropped the ties. she, UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE, realises her mistakes

2005-01-03 [Forget to forget me.]: naw... she's jsut a dumb bitch that needs to die.


2005-01-03 [Teufelsweib]: muahahaha, stupib bitch has dropped the ties and put on dresses to get the filmrole of Courtney Love, talking about a fake

2005-01-03 [The Messiah]: Hey artemis you might be right... there might be a lotof people who hate her with no reason. But i know why to hate her ,first of all I hate her because I think every music she works is based on nothing and doesnt even makes sense.Second she was completely raised by mtv personel, she is just completely sold herself to them.And finally because she is in a constanct act of treachery to her fanswho believed she spoke truth in her songs. And of course because she is a Britney Spears who wishes to be a skater/punk/whatever

2005-01-03 [Teufelsweib]: thats right! if she admits that she cant be a skater, we, or at least I, wouldnt hate her (that much)

2005-01-23 [Lost_soul_of BrandonLee2]: Ello all^_^

2005-01-24 [Teufelsweib]: hello!! welkom

2005-01-24 [Lost_soul_of BrandonLee2]: Thanks!

2005-01-25 [Teufelsweib]: you're welkom (again :P)

2005-01-25 [Lost_soul_of BrandonLee2]: ^_^

2005-01-26 [Teufelsweib]: 0_o this conversation is leading to nowhere...

2005-01-27 [Lost_soul_of BrandonLee2]:

2005-01-27 [Teufelsweib]: well, so then it will go on like...this: ^_^ lol etc.

2005-01-27 [Lost_soul_of BrandonLee2]: Indeed

2005-01-28 [Teufelsweib]: indeed ^_^

2005-01-29 [Lost_soul_of BrandonLee2]: I love the word Indeed!

2005-01-29 [Teufelsweib]: me too!!! indeed is so... indeedishly good

2005-01-29 [Lost_soul_of BrandonLee2]: hehe you bet

2005-01-29 [Teufelsweib]: indeed, indeed, indeed :D

2005-01-30 [Lost_soul_of BrandonLee2]: lmao

2005-01-30 [Teufelsweib]: indeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed, come on everyone, join in the indeed song!! indeed indeed indeed

2005-01-30 [Lost_soul_of BrandonLee2]: indeed indeed indeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed

2005-01-31 [Teufelsweib]: yaay!!!! INDEED!! I-N-D-E-E-D!!!

2005-02-01 [Lost_soul_of BrandonLee2]: hehe!!

2005-02-02 [Teufelsweib]: we've got a I we've got a N....

2005-02-04 [Lost_soul_of BrandonLee2]: DEED

2005-02-04 [The Messiah]: This is a akward conversation... but oh well... screw it, mind if I join?

2005-02-05 [Teufelsweib]: sure you could INDEED join thid conversation

2005-02-06 [The Messiah]: well shall we continue with this such a fine song of us...

2005-02-06 [Forget to forget me.]: Are you people having fun?!

2005-02-07 [Lost_soul_of BrandonLee2]: I am!! INDEED

2005-02-07 [Teufelsweib]: we are INDEED having INDEEDISHLY a lot a fun!!

2005-02-08 [Lost_soul_of BrandonLee2]: lmao

2005-02-08 [Teufelsweib]: no, indeed

2005-02-08 [Lost_soul_of BrandonLee2]: INDEED

2005-02-09 [Teufelsweib]: yay!! INDEEDINDEEDINDEEDINDEED!!! and now with my eyes closed: indeed yay! done it right!

2005-02-10 [Lost_soul_of BrandonLee2]: INDEED me too!

2005-02-10 [Teufelsweib]: ok, and now with my nose... indeed YAY!! it worked!

2005-02-11 [Lost_soul_of BrandonLee2]: That is very rad!

2005-02-11 [Teufelsweib]: and now... with my mouse... indeed YAY!! again

2005-02-11 [Lost_soul_of BrandonLee2]: Ya!! ^_^

2005-02-12 [Teufelsweib]: your turn!

2005-02-12 [Lost_soul_of BrandonLee2]: Ummmm let me think....

2005-02-14 [Teufelsweib]: yes....?

2005-02-16 [Lost_soul_of BrandonLee2]: I can't figure out how to write indeed!

2005-02-16 [Teufelsweib]: no imagination?

2005-02-16 [Lost_soul_of BrandonLee2]: Eh.....not today.

2005-02-17 [Teufelsweib]: maybe tomorrow then?

2005-02-20 [Lost_soul_of BrandonLee2]: Yeah let's hope so I am just a little down.

2005-02-20 [Teufelsweib]: it's now tomorrow!

2005-02-21 [stoopid]: hello

2005-02-21 [stoopid]: dose anyone know how i can get the banner up on me "house?"

2005-02-21 [Teufelsweib]: hello! put this in: [*img:*] but remove the stars

2005-02-23 [stoopid]: thanx

2005-02-25 [Teufelsweib]: you're welkom ^_^

2005-02-25 [Dracula Dead and Loving It]: she rates a 0 on my finger scale. i dont have any fingers so i cant judge

2005-02-25 [Dracula Dead and Loving It]: anyway, she sucks balls just like rap

2005-02-26 [Teufelsweib]: you are right...

2005-02-27 [The Messiah]: damn right

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